Upcoming Activities

Halloween Day Open House!
Saturday October 31
1:00pm - 3:00pm

Come see the 100 new books 
donated by the 
Brownstone Book Fund
Stories will be read all through the open house
 and we'll have treats for everyone.

National Game Day
Saturday November 21
11:00am - 3:00pm

Come check out the new games
 and visit some old favorites.
We'll be here, playing games all day.

Enter for a chance to win a new game!
Snacks provided 

Christmas Sale
Saturday, December 5th
11:00am - 3:00pm

We have gathered many items that are new or gently used, and are in gift-giving condition. Before you go shopping, check out the great prices at our sale. 

Books, games, decorations and more!
Watch our Facebook page for previews